Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Need for Post-Bariatric Cosmetic Surgery on the Rise

The demand for post-bariatric cosmetic surgery is growing. As America's weight issues increase and weight loss surgeries advance, more and more patients are finding they need help with the excess skin often leftover after massive weight loss. This excess skin not only affects the patient cosmetically, but can adversely affect their lifestyle as well.

Common post-bariatric procedures include:
*Breast Lift
*Upper Arm Lift
*Thigh Lift
*Lower Body Lift is a great online resource offering exercise, diet, lifestyle and plastic surgery information for those working to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, or take control of their lives after weight loss. The site offers chat rooms, message boards, info on upcoming events, articles, and advice to its users.

In Novenber, 2008, ObesityHelp conducted a national weight loss event in Houston featuring plastic surgeon, Dr. Bob Basu as the keynote speaker. Dr. Basu spoke on such issues as body contouring options available to men and women after weight loss, as well as preparation, safety issues, pain control options, recovery and insurance coverage.

An expert in post-bariatric plastic surgery, Dr. Basu also performs such cosmetic and reconstructive procedures as advanced breast reconstruction, breast augmentation, liposuction and abdominoplasty. Houston area residents even voted Dr. Basu one of Houston's "Top Docs" for two years running.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Avoid Boobie Greed. Try the Natrelle® Pre-Consultation Kit.

Most women who’ve had breast implants in the past or are considering getting them soon are familiar with the obsession about breast size – popularly known as “boobie greed.” This condition is defined by the Urban Dictionary as “The feeling that one's breasts are too small even after having a breast augmentation.”
Do you find yourself exhibiting any of the following symptoms?
• Becoming an expert in calculating how many ccs it takes to get from a size B to a size D cup
• Stealthily filling up pantyhose with rice or oatmeal and stuffing it into sports bras
• Stealing BF/DH’s dog-eared Playboy issues to check out what breast size looks most attractive
• Browsing endless pages of before and after photos online to find the “right look”
• Discussing bra sizes, incisions, placement and painkiller effectiveness with random strangers online
• Spending hundreds of dollars on surgeon’s consultations trying to find out “how big” you should go
The cure for these symptoms is simple. A home test with a new scientific breast implant sizing system called the Natrelle® Pre-Consultation Kit, designed especially to help women get the answers they need to their questions about size.
Originally created by plastic surgeon, Elizabeth Kinsley, M.D., and Allergan, the manufacturer of quality medical products, the kit can help women suffering from this vague and undefined medical condition avoid much of the angst they experience over breast implant sizing. It comes with implants, a sizing bra and educational DVDs, in a convenient package that can be shipped to your home.
Now you can spend your time doing something more productive than obsessing over ccs. You can actually try out different implant sizes at home and work, see how your clothes fit, watch the reactions of your friends and coworkers react - all without ever setting foot in a plastic surgery office.
"After trying on the implants and seeing themselves with a totally different look, many women who said they never considered augmentation changed their minds," observes Dr. Kinsley. Although there’s no know cure for the condition known as “boobie greed”, women can use the Natrelle® Pre-Consultation Kit as a way to stop worrying and be proactive about finding out what works for them (or doesn’t).